
Showing posts from October 14, 2018

Why Start a Scholarship Fund?

I started a scholarship fund to honor my grandmother.  Here is why: My grandmother was the strongest person I knew. Even though she was only 90 pounds, we all knew better than to make her upset or mess with her. She always knew what to do, she always knew what to say, she always kept calm, and she never showed weakness. She was also the kindest person I knew. She helped anyone and everyone she could without ever expecting anything back.  That's the kind of person she was. She was also a strong believer in education being imperative for society to prosper. She managed to get 5 of her 7 children through college while living on very little. She taught us that education and helping others were essential in life. She didn't have much growing up, she was born in a very small town in Colombia and moved to the city when she was very young. She always said, "donde come uno, comen dos" which translates to, "if one person can eat, then two people can eat."