
Showing posts from September 23, 2018

Simple Ways to Start Making a Difference

Most people think that you need to be wealthy, a genius or live an extraordinary life in order to change the world. However, many people doing small things can have a  BIG impact.  So what small efforts can we make during our daily routines?  1. Be Kind Always.  We might think that this is a given but sometimes we have to consciously tell ourselves to be kind.    Smile at a stranger. Hold the elevator open for someone else. Let someone get ahead of you in line at a grocery store if they have less stuff than you.  Give a compliment. 2. Carry a Reusable Water Bottle.  In the US, Americans toss 60 million water bottles daily, which is nearly 700 each minute. If we were to line up the bottles end to end in a straight line, it would wrap around the earth 190 times. Additionally, the plastic water bottles that were placed in the landfill today will take up to 1000 years to biodegrade. 3. Refrain From Using Straws.   Over 500,000,000 plastic

How I Began Making a Difference and How You Can Too!

The first step to making a difference is finding inspiration. Find what you are passionate about. Ask yourself: what do you want to change? What angers you? What makes you happy? What are you interested in? Once you find an answer that makes you want to take action, you can begin. My inspiration  Meet my grandmother - Anais Florez de Cortes. She passed away two years ago. She was the strongest woman I've ever met. She was also the most generous woman I've ever met. Being born to an impoverished family in Colombia, she managed to put six out of her seven children through college and was known for being a very generous person. She helped anyone she could, even when she had nothing to give. Education & Helping others  were two of the most important things to her. She believed education was the only way we can get ahead as a community. Today I am combining both in her honor. I have created the Anais Florez Scholarship which will give one student $500 tow

What is Ubuntu?

Ubuntu is the belief that we are defined by our compassion and kindness towards others. Ubuntu is the feeling of oneness with others. A community. If you are like me, you enjoy helping others and making a difference in the world. You find ways or think of ways to feel purposeful. You understand that all humans, animals, plants and everything are connected. You know that one person CAN make a difference. I invite you to join me and change the world.