Simple Ways to Start Making a Difference

Most people think that you need to be wealthy, a genius or live an extraordinary life in order to change the world. However, many people doing small things can have a BIG impact. 

So what small efforts can we make during our daily routines? 

1. Be Kind Always. 

We might think that this is a given but sometimes we have to consciously tell ourselves to be kind.   
  • Smile at a stranger.
  • Hold the elevator open for someone else.
  • Let someone get ahead of you in line at a grocery store if they have less stuff than you. 
  • Give a compliment.

2. Carry a Reusable Water Bottle. 

In the US, Americans toss 60 million water bottles daily, which is nearly 700 each minute. If we were to line up the bottles end to end in a straight line, it would wrap around the earth 190 times. Additionally, the plastic water bottles that were placed in the landfill today will take up to 1000 years to biodegrade.

Image result for reusable water bottles

3. Refrain From Using Straws. 

 Over 500,000,000 plastic straws are produced every day, only to be used for a couple of minutes. Eventually, most of these straws end up in our oceans, adding to the billions of tons of trash already there. So, the next time you are offered a straw, please consider refusing it. 

Instead, try some of these straw alternatives: 

4. Bring Your Own Mug or Reusable Cup To Your Favorite Coffee Shop. 

According to the EPA, 25 billion styrofoam cups are thrown away each year in the US and have the potential to stay in the landfill for a good 500 years! Even though paper sounds like a better option, disposable paper cups are not recyclable because of the combination of materials. Not to mention the 20 million trees that are cut down each year for coffee cups.

Instead, try bringing your own reusable coffee mug to your favorite ship. Some places like Starbucks, even give a 10-cent discount. 

Image result for reusable coffee cup

5. Only Grab As Many Napkins As You Need. 

To make one ton of paper towels 17 trees and 20,000 gallons of water are polluted. Globally, discarded paper towels result in 254 million tons of trash every year. If just 50% of the U.S. population uses three paper napkins a day, that totals 450,000,000 napkins for one day—or more than 164 billion per year.

6. Recycle. 

Recycling is the top action society can do to simultaneously improve: the environment, the economy, sustainable manufacturing and to prevent waste from going into oceans. When U.S. recycling levels reach 75%, it will be the environmental and CO2 equivalent of removing 55 million cars from U.S. roads each year.

If you are unsure how or need more clarification on how to recycle, visit the link

7. If You See Garbage On The Floor, Pick It Up. 

On your way to work, school, a friend’s house, etc. if you find trash on the ground, find a garbage can and throw it away. Simple as that. 

Image result for throwing trash

Are there any other ways you can think of? Leave your comments! 


  1. Look for one person you can help every day. Big or small. Share the love, give of yourself and it will become a habit. And, others will pick it up and start to do the same.

    1. Dont have children. More than seven billion humans are consuming the natural world and causing the Sixth Mass Extinction.


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