What Are The Benefits Of Reading?

Reading shouldn't be looked at as a chore. Reading should be viewed at as the wonderful action that opens and expands our mind. 

If you are one of those who don't make a habit of reading regularly, we encourage you to reconsider. 

Reading has a significant number of benefits, and here are 5 of those benefits: 

1. It Can Reduce Stress

Stress from our everyday lives can be washed away when you lose yourself in a book. There are also many books that will give us insights and tools on how to deal with the hardships of life. 

2. It Gives Us Knowledge 

Everything you read fills your head with new information, new vocabulary, new tools and sometimes even a new perspective. Remember that the more knowledge that you gain from reading, the more knowledge you can spread to others. 

3. Mental Stimulation 

Your brain, just like any other muscle in the body, requires exercise to remain active and healthy. Studies have shown that staying mentally stimulated can slow the progress of (or possibly even prevent) Alzheimer’s and Dementia, since keeping your brain active and engaged prevents it from losing power.

4. Reading Makes You More Empathetic 

Books can take the mind to places the body will never go. Reading helps you understand and learn about different emotions, cultures, beliefs, and points of views. 

5. Reading Before Bed Can Help You Sleep

Reading tires the mind and can help your mind relax before bed. If you create a bedtime routine, like reading before bed, your brain will signal your body that it is time to wind down and go to sleep. 

So remember that books are just a wonderful part of life. And don't forget to cheat on your cellphone every once in a while with a book.  

Any other benefits you can think of? Leave us your comments. 


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