11 Quotes That Will Inspire You To Change The World

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Some days we can be our own inspiration, and some days we need inspiration.

Here are 11 quotes that will get you motivated when you need that extra push:

"We Rise by Lifting Others" - Robert Ingersoll 

"Each One of Us Can Make a Difference. Together We Make Change" - Barbara Mikulski

"To Make a Difference in Someone's Life, You Don't Have to be Rich, Brilliant, or Perfect. You Just Have to Care" - Mandy Hale

 "We Must Become the Change We Want to See in the World" - Mahatma Gandhi 

"Believing That Within You Is The Ability To Change The World Is The First Step In Making A Difference" 

"At The End Of The Day, The Only Questions I Will Ask Myself Are..
Did I Love Enough?
Did I Laugh Enough?
Did I Make A Difference?"
- Katrina Mayer

"Change Will Not Come If We Wait For Some Other Person, Or If We Wait For Some Other Time. We Are The Ones We've Been Waiting For. We Are The Change We Seek."
-Barack Obama 

"Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For." 

 " I Alone Cannot Change The World, But I Can Cast A Stone Across The Waters To Create Many Ripples." 
- Mother Teresa

 "You May Say I'm A Dreamer, But I am Not The Only One. I Hope Someday You'll Join Us And The World Will Live As One"
- John Lennon

 "You May Think Your Light is Small, But It Can Make A Big Difference in Other People's Lives. Let Your Light Shine" 

Can you think of some other quotes we can add? 


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